JUST ANNOUNCED - April 25-27, 2025

What is an Arrival Time?

When you purchase your tickets you will select your Arrival Time. This is the time you will arrive to start your mission. Nightmare Combat may have a very short waiting time but for 2024 we have reworked the flow to decrease waiting times drastically from past years.

Please pay close attention to the Arrival Time you selected during checkout that is listed on your ticket. You will arrive 15 minutes prior to your Arrival Time to account for traffic or travel delays. Once you arrive, please wait in/near your car until your scheduled Arrival Time and then proceed to the front doors of the facility.

Arrival Times are carefully scheduled and planned and it’s critical you show up on time. If you are traveling from out of area make sure to give yourself ample travel time in case of delays outside your control.  We only have a fixed number of weapons for guests so we cannot move Arrival Times last minute or make exceptions if you are late or early.

If you have any questions about Timed Arrival you can contact us and we will be more than happy to help answer any questions you may have.


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Hours: M-F 9am-6pm

1 Hour Average Response Time during business hours.

2025 early access

Secure Your Tickets Now

Dates normally sell out within minutes after launch. Get access to tickets before they are released to the public by signing up for Early Access.

Please ensure your phone and email are correct as you will receive a text message with a special link to make your reservations.